What culture and mindset challenges are you facing in your school building? 

Hello Educational Leader! 

As a former classroom teacher and administrator, I know how difficult it can be to create and schedule meaningful professional development that teachers will actually translate to their practice in the classroom.

Teacher burnout and staff retention quickly become the top issues of a school leader during the second semester as the staff considers if their work in education is actually worth it and if their current school building is where they'd like to continue next school year.

The best way to combat these growing challenges is to:

Reflection Seminars 

with The Educator's Mindset

If you'd like to reinvigorate the spirit of your school building and show your staff how much you value what they do for students each and every day, I hope you'll consider contacting me to schedule a reflection seminar or PD series for your school staff.

Themes Offered: 

Creating and sustaining positive school culture

Systems and mindsets for equity (discipline and disproportionalities)

Educator empowerment and purpose

Mindsets for Restorative Practices in schools and classrooms

Resistance and change in education 

Vulnerability as an educator

Incorporating innovative thinking

Maximizing your impact as an educator

And any culture or mindset challenges you may be facing as a school!

Regardless of your current challenges, the purpose is to leave your staff excited and empowered to finish the school year strong AND return next year:

School Culture and Equity

What is the educator's role in creating and sustaining an equitable school culture? 

Resistance and Innovative Thinking

Why do we resist change in educational spaces? How can we move past that?

Educator Empowerment and Impact

The work of educators matters, how do we remember our why? 

Affordable and Flexible Pricing 

to fit any school or district's budget! 

Professional development doesn't have to be boring! 

Consider booking an engaging, reflective, and transformative mindset speech by Sequoia Austin for your school. 

I hope you'll take a few moments to click the link below to schedule a time to express any interest and ask questions.

Unlike most PD speakers, The Educator's Mindset offers affordable and flexible pricing in order to prioritize impact over profit.

Your educators work hard and deserve a boost. During these times, we all need a reminder of why education is the single best and meaningful field and profession on the planet! Talk to you soon!
